DONATE  to  Ellwood City Lions Club

The Ellwood City Lions Club  is a non-profit, charitable organization, incorporated under the US Federal Tax laws with a 501(c)(3) tax exempt status.

Our income tax exempt number (EIN) is  25-6078683 .

Additionally, we are sales-tax-exempt organization with our PA Sales Tax Exempt number is  75-384-600 .


To donate to the Ellwood City Lions Club you may contact one of our members or for your convenience you may donate through   PayPal®,  the most secure way of internet banking.

To ensure that you are not "spammed" and that the Ellwood City lions Club is PayPal Verified®, please click here:   PayPal Verification

By clicking on the "Donate" button. You will be transferred directly to the secure PayPal® website where you can log-in and donate with your credit card or your PayPal® account.

Ellwood City Lions Club is PayPal Verified
If you prefer to Donate with a Check, please email us

We Thank You for your generous donation !

Be  a  SPONSOR  and  Advertise  on

The best way to be recognized on the Internet is by advertising on internet itself or advertising on other websites.

As you know, The Ellwood City Lions Club is a non-profit, charitable organization, that donates 100% of its raised funding. Everything we do to promote our cause comes from the generosity of people like you. Therefore, the cost of this website is funded by businesses and people like you.

By advertising on our Website,, you not only promote your business, but also provide us with funding to continue the great work that we do.

We are seeking for donations to advertise on our Website as follows:

   $50 for a Business Card size  ( 300 x 250 pixels )
   $150 for a Page Bottom Banner  ( 900 x 250 pixels )

Business Card size of advertising is (3) per webpage, while Banner size is the page width. Refer to our existing Sponsor's advertising ads.

If you don't have an image of your business card or a banner, that's OK - we will set one up for you !

For your convenience and the most secure way to pay for your advertising is through our  PayPal®,  Account.

By clicking on the "Buy Now" button, you will be transferred directly to the secure PayPal website where you can log-in and pay for your advertisement with your credit card or your PayPal account.

After payment, we will contact you to discuss your advertising needs to generate your Ad.


We Thank You for advertising with Us !